Chairman of the Board of Dostihovy Spolek responds mayor's TV comments

In response to the reports on Czech TV, in which the mayor of Pardubice declared that the Town of Pardubice will not go on indefinitely providing financial support for Dostihovy Spolek, organizers of events at Pardubice racecourse, Dostihovy Svet Czech language website invited Chairman of the Board Vladimír Tlučhoř to respond. He stated:“We have not yet finalized this season’s accounts, but everything indicates that we should be in the black, by about two million crowns [EUR 80 000].” Thus Dostihovy Spolek is meeting the interest of the Town in Spolek getting away from the losses made in preceding years.
 “It is true that we owe money to the Town, but we have been keeping to the repayment schedule,” adds Tlučhoř, who points out that it is hard to see how the media intervention can in any way help racing at Pardubice. “We have been successfully presenting ourselves as a trustworthy organizer of events, and getting the interest of partners. I believe that we we will be able next year to build on this year’s work. Let us hope that our association will not now be the target for other interests,” adds Tlučhoř, alluding to the battles that flared up around Dostihovy Spolek several months ago.