Train timetable to and from Prague Velka Chuchle racecourse

The recommended way to get to Prague Velka Chuchle racecourse is by suburban train. On Sunday afternoons, trains leave Prague Main Station (Praha Hlavni nadrazi) at 20 minutes and 50 minutes after the hour. They stop at Smichovske nadrazi at 28 and 58 minutes past the hour, and arrive at Praha, Velka Chuchle railway station at 03 and 33 minutes after the hour.

Mimon stud remains unsold

The auction of the Mimon stud earlier this week produced no bidders. It is understood that the stud remains on the market. If it is not sold privately, it is expected to be presented for auction again in the near future, with a considerably lower reserve price. 

April 2013 Newsletter

When I started thinking about the April newsletter, a week before the end of March, I imagined it might start “At long last, winter seems to be over, and spring is upon us …”. However, as of 29/3/2013, there is again snow on the ground in the western suburbs of Prague. Night frosts are forecast for the foreseeable future, and there is no mention of when the daily maximum temperature might reach double figures. This has been the coldest March in my 22 winters in the Czech Republic, but it is not altogether a bad thing.
