Czech Racing


September 2020 newsletter

It really is not getting any easier to write these monthly newsletters. I have not been racing this year, as my wife and I are in the over 70s age group (without a pre-existing condition). Neither of us is personally awfully scared of catching the virus – but neither of us wants our partner to be infected.

Sottovento wins the fourth VP qualification race

There was some good rain in Pardubice on the day before the last of the four qualification races for VP2020. The race was run on a cool day, and the going was 3.2 (good to firm). In this exceptional year, all four qualification races were run in July and August. There were hot, dry spells in these months in Pardubice, as usual.

August 2020 newsletter

The weather the Czech Republic was mainly not too hot and not too dry in July 2020, until the second half of the month. Then there was a dry spell, which got quite hot as the end of the month approached. The number of local fires on farmland and on forest land, and also the number of thunderstorms leading to local floods up in the hills, began to increase, as is usual when there is a hot spell here, accompanied by thunderstorms, in the later part of the summer.
